
Affichage des articles du février, 2021

The Tell Tale Heart 2 gr. B

 Similarities & Differences between FHU and TTH   Differences TTH begins in media res (in FHU there's a lengthy description of the house first) the narrator of FHU feels "oppressed," he imagines things, thoughts occur in his mind independently, he's lucid about his mental state / the narrator of TTH has delusions of grandeur (he can hear everything), he doesn't realize he's mad. no female character the house / the setting is not relevant FHU is substantially longer than TTH FHU is written in a traditional Gothic way. TTH ? not so much.   Similarities the acuteness of the senses the themes of disease, madness, death opposition between light and darkness the insistence on "the eye" We don't know who the narrator is / Few details about the narrator Vocab / Poe's writing The "crime" happens over a week   Poe's influence on modern horror writing 1. What's the story about ? 2. How is/are the character/s built ? (Characterizati...

The Tell Tale Hear 1 gr. B

    Dictionnaire bilingue : wordreference (Linguee) Dictionnaire unilingue : Merriem-Webster (US) / Oxford (GB) Dictionnaire des synonymes : Comment commencer ? - commencer avec une citation (de l’œuvre étudiée, ou de l'auteur, ou d'un autre ouvrage). " a perfect agony of horror and shame. "  - Poser votre question.  - Présenter le contexte. - Définir les termes du sujet. Pour conclure ? To conclude / To put it in a nutshell / To sum it all up / Comment structurer ? - si vous avez une problématique (question), et/ou des parties, dites-le !  - My outline will fall into x parts.     After the quiz, here are a few elements we need to stress : - the story starts with TRUE ! But can we trust the narrator ? - There's no description whatsoever of either the narrator, or his victim. The narrator could be a man or a woman. We don't know much about his relation to the old man. - The story focuses on the crime itself and its preparation. The nar...

The Tell-Tale Heart 2

Differences & Similarities Differences the narrator in FHU says h's imagining things, that he's oppressed. But in TTH, the narrator tries to persuade the readers he's not crazy. the narrator in FHU tries to save R. Usher, his friend. In TTH, the narrator wants to kill the old man, even if he loves him. length of the story. no female character in TTH Similarities acuteness of the sense. the story unfolds over a week. the frontier between reality and fiction is smudged, blurry. both narrators are deranged. the fiction takes place in an old house in both stories. we don't know the names of both narrators murder / crime / death The Metamporphosis , Kafka, 1915 1. This is the story of Gregor Samsa, who awakes one morning as he has become an ugly monster. He's depressed.  2. It's a third person narrative. Gregor is a "monstrous vermin." He has many legs, he as turned into an insect, but he keeps thinking as if everything was normal. The Thing...

The Tell-Tale Heart 1

  Dictionnaire bilingue : wordreference (Linguee) Dictionnaire unilingue : Merriem-Webster (US) / Oxford (GB) Dictionnaire des synonymes : Comment commencer ? - commencer avec une citation (de l’œuvre étudiée, ou de l'auteur, ou d'un autre ouvrage). " a perfect agony of horror and shame. "  - Poser votre question.  - Présenter le contexte. - Définir les termes du sujet. Pour conclure ? To conclude / To put it in a nutshell / To sum it all up / Comment structurer ? - si vous avez une problématique (question), et/ou des parties, dites-le !  - My outline will fall into x parts.               The Tell-Tale Heart After the quiz, here are a few elements we need to stress : - the story starts with TRUE ! But can we trust the narrator ? - There's no description whatsoever of either the narrator, or his victim. The narrator could be a man or a woman. We don't know much about his relation to the old man. - The story focuses...