Interstellar 4



Heavy duty vocab 1 : TEST 1.1 (trouver la signification des noms présentés sur la fiche)-> cf photo pour les élèves absents.

Interstellar, the Wave


Doyle / Cooper / Brand / CASE


Goran :Planet with sea / waves / they are in danger / Doyle dies / a dialogue, about family 

Véa : in the end, a big plan (close up) on Doyle. CASE saves the woman before she dies, at the last minute.

Rachel : Doyle is fascinated by the big wave, The wave is seen from the bottom up. intriguing - > Brand= a mountain, suspense

Mathilde : imagination / science-fiction

Badis : Wave, it goves us a feeling a fear, non diegetic music. 

Thomas : 4 characters / lost on a planet with on ly water. In search for a beacon. Not a documentary, a fairy tale

Anaïs : I don't know. Question : imagniation / not realistic, his daughter - > FATE


 The scene starts with a long shot of the sea. It's depicted as an ancient, primordial ocean. The non-diegetic music kicks in, and the theme features the tick tock of a clock, as Cooper reminds the crew of the stakes (Make it count).

 Tsunami by hokusai 19th century.jpg

The characters are shown through close ups, and through the point of view of Cooper, who stays in the ship. When he finally realizes the mountain range really is a wave, there's a pan shot, going up. It reveals the scale of that monstrous wave, and Zimmer's score shifts from minor chords into a majestic major chord. It conveys a sense of awe. The wave fills the frame like in Alain Resnais's Night & Fog (1955). This wave is also reminiscent of The Wave by Hokusai.

Hokusai's work, as well as the wave in Interstellar, reveals the frailty (la fragilité) of human life. Like Fate (destiny), the water is inescapable, it ignores good or evil, and the characters can't do anything about it, their efforts are futile. Yet, Brand chooses to disobey Cooper's orders, and Doyle dies because of her arrogance in the face of the wave. It's an act of Hubris (pride in Greek), and Doyle becomes a Tragic Hero.

When Brand and Cooper have their conversation, Cooper muses about (thinks about) the nature of time, and he has a hunch (an intuition) as he keeps looking at the right of the frame : maybe they could go through a black hole and communicate from the future. He basically announcing the end of the movie. Strangely enough (bizarrement), CASE doesn't tell them about the incoming wave up until the very last minute. He could have interrupted them, but it seems he wanted them to have that essential conversation. Could CASE know about the end of the movie? Then there's an ellipsis (time slippage), because time in the movie goes faster than in real life, just like on the planet. In the end, the shuttle takes off (a topos, a cliche of science-fiction), and Doyle body is left behind, forever trapped in time. This scene could be considered as a purple patch. 


a chord :

the scale

to kick in

to convey

to shift from x to x

the stakes



Time slippage=the movie itself


Heavy-Duty Vocab 1



1.    pitfalls

2.    a breakthrough

3.    a downside

4.    a watershed

5.    an epitome of

6.    a surge

7.    a moot point

8.    a pipe dream

9.    the apex of

10.          a case in point

11.          a fixture

12.          a mainstay

13.          a hot-button issue

14.          a doomsayer

15.          a woe

16.          a smokescreen

17.          a hurdle

18.          policy makers

19.          a rosy picture

20.          the epitome of

21.          a hot topic

22.          a turnabout

23.          a moot point

24.          intricacy

25.          blind optimism

26.          a sheer fact


Heavy-Duty Vocab 1



1.    pitfalls

2.    a breakthrough

3.    a downside

4.    a watershed

5.    an epitome of

6.    a surge

7.    a moot point

8.    a pipe dream

9.    the apex of

10.          a case in point

11.          a fixture

12.          a mainstay

13.          a hot-button issue

14.          a doomsayer

15.          a woe

16.          a smokescreen

17.          a hurdle

18.          policy makers

19.          a rosy picture

20.          the epitome of

21.          a hot topic

22.          a turnabout

23.          a moot point

24.          intricacy

25.          blind optimism

26.          a sheer fact





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