Correction gr B
Remarques générales
- La construction, c'est à dire l'organisation des idées, est essentielle, il faut la signaler, l'expliciter, la rendre visible. Ne pas hésiter à abuser du vocabulaire type (firstly, subsequently, it follows that, then, eventually, etc.). De même, bien insister sur votre annonce de plan, sur votre problématique/question, et votre conclusion.
- Si c'est trop court, quelques pistes :
- citez davantage vos documents.
- développez plus certaines de vos idées qui vous paraissent évidentes (this story is dark).
- évoquez d'autres sources, convoquez vos connaissances (the Sublime, Romanticism, the Apollonian / Dionysian binary, the Gothic tropes, etc...)
- parlez plus lentement, soignez votre débit et votre prononciation.
- si ce n'est déjà le cas, intégrez une troisième partie.
Idées :
- Perversity : the Imp of the Perverse. Perversity is like the devil on the left shoulders of cartoon characters = a fancy, a thought that is of foreign origin (d'origine étrangère) and that temps the character into his own demise (sa propre destruction).
- Cruelty. Les Contes Cruels, Cruelty is seen as a literary feature. Sometimes, evil is considered as beautiful, fascinating. Paradoxical :
Ugly as sin. BUT in J. Milton, the devil is magnificent. Romantic writers often followed Milton's tradition. Mal du siècle = being bored / acedy.
- Artists as crazy people. Should artists be crazy to make great art? For Romantics, the artist is an intermediate between men and God / Nature / Creation. The artist is also someone that risks living out of civil society. The artist as a fool = the artist must suffer to create beautiful / Madness as a new, more powerful sense that allows incredible art creation / Antonin Artaud, psychedelics, Tomothy Leary. Cursed Artists. The Doors = to open the doors of perception, William Blake, Romantic painter / poet (1750s-1820s).
1. What's your favourite document ?
a. prepare a document you haven't chosen, write something about it.
b. talk about one of the longer documents, and evoke the entire text.
2. Could you define the Gothic genre ?
have an explanation ready for all the concepts you use in your presentation.
3. Can you think of a poem / a movie / a novel that deals with the idea of [insérer ici une des idées que vous avez développée, par exemple, perversity]
N'hésitez pas à consulter des sites autour des grandes oeuvres étudiées, des oeuvres connexes également.
Badis: Is there a relation between Poe's life and his work ?
Exaggerated reputation, distorted biography, depicting him as a cursed artist.
Emmy: How did you choose your documents ?
Essayez à tout prix d'amener la "conversation" vers un terrain connu.
Elise: how is your image Gothic ?
American Gothic.
n'hésitez pas à cannibaliser une autre réponse : par exemple, What's your favourite document ?
Estelle: Why is the eye of the vulture essential ?
Demandez à l'examinateur d'expliciter sa question si vous pensez que vous pouvez avoir manqué un point important.
Revenez sur l'ensemble du texte.
Thomas: Do Poe's characters have a choice ?
Rania: aren't mangas too violent ?
psychological thriller, different types of mangas, -> déroulez ce que vous connaissez du sujet.
Anaïs : What is the scariest thing in the short story ?
You can fake the emotions / interest you felt while reading.
Goran : What's your plan for next year ?
ne pas dire "I don't know?"
QUESTIONS préparation de l'entretien
1. What is your favourite document ?
My favourite document is X, it's my document, I like it because I like the artist.
Ici, il s'agit de profiter d'une question facile pour aborder des points qu'on a pas eu le temps de traiter pendant l'exposé.
In my file, my favourite document is X because XXX. BUT I really hesitated with another one that I positively LOVE. It's X (et vous déroulez).
2. Is there a relation between Poe's life and his work ?
Ici, la réponse attendue tourne autour de vos connaissances à propos de l'auteur, et de son oeuvre en général.
Having married is 13 year old cousin and
lost all the important women in his life, Poe certainly had a certain
vision for female characters in his work. He wrote that the "most poetic
topic is a young woman, dying." On the other hand, his idea of the
perverse doesn't seem to be linked / correlated to his life.
3. How did you choose your document ?
First X / as regards to my question... movie... upset... N. Bates as the perfect guy... HPL : moreover ...
- the question you prepared doesn't show up ?
- you're asked an off-topic question ?
- you don't understand the question ?
- you simply don't know the answer ?
bien maîtriser les concepts que vous évoquez. prévoyez une réponse y compris pour les choses que vous n'avez pas pu faire.
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