
Commentary correction

     Commentary correction preliminary remarks This passage from section 2 introduces several important points : The mysterious origin of Lennie, George's frustration, Candy's presentation, and the aftermath ( consequence ) of the interview with the boss. 1. How is characterization exemplified here ? Lennie + George = conflict. Solved mostly through dialogues .  Candy + old dog = Candy. They are consubstantial.  2. Is tragedy used here ? George = shooting, hell x 2. Tempts Destiny / predestination. Lennie as cards reader (very good questions = Sphynx + Oedipus), asking the three question : where I come from ? Who am I ? (and in section 3, Where am I going ?). Oedipus thinks he's mastered the riddle (enigma), but he's yet to learn about his real past, self and future, just like George. Fear + awe (Artistotle). Candy = will lose the dog. Anticipation : we don't have Carlson's reaction to the dog first, but its relationship with the old man. Unity = plac...

Sections 4-6

 Section 4 p.85 "Lennie leaned toward..." p. 86 "...under their hand." the project / dream will never be done. 1. Here, Lennie is the one who evokes the dream, coming back to it. His innocence echoes Crook's experience : Crooks "brutally" says the dream is but an illusion, that's it's all in the "head", not in the "hand." Once more, the text highlights the significance of the hand (Curley's glove full of vaseline, Curley's hand crushed by Lennie's paw, Crooks' pink palm, etc.). 2. Lennie keeps coming back to the dream, and speaks about the "Land", and the "promises" made by George. His vision features milk and cream and fat. It's quite reminiscent of the biblical Promised Land, the land of milk and honey. It can also make us think about the American dream and the conquest of the West, in a personal, almost mystical way. To this heavenly dream, Crooks opposes the blunt reality of the ra...

Of Mice And Men sections 3 -5

 Gr. A : Section 3 From p. 70 ("Candy joined the attack with joy...") to p. 72 ("...he said miserably.") 1. Choreography a. Lennie thinks about the dream, and smiles. b. Curley thinks L is laughing at him. c. C punches L twice in the face. L. starts bleeding, and doesn't defend himself. d. George asks Lennie to defend himself. L. tries to, but C. keeps attacking him. e. G. orders L. to attack C.  f. L. crushes C.'s hand. g. G. orders L. to stop several times, and slaps him in the face. h. L. lets go of C.'s hand. 2. Lennie is presented as an animal. His hands turn to "paws" as soon as he starts defending himself. George orders him around the way he would with an attack dog ("I said, get him."). Curley too is compared to an attack dog, a "terrier." This vicious fight is quick and dangerous. In the end, Curley is described like a fish, "flopping on a line." 3. Lennie can't do anything by himself : he needs George...

omam sections 1 to 3

  Section 1  p. 15 "Lennie spoke..." to p. 16 "...not the same if I tell it."   In this excerpt, George tells Lennie a story, this is about what they'll do, their dream. Lennie is excited, he knows the story very well, but wants G. to tell it anyway. What makes them different is that they're together ( I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you ). The novel starts by the entrance of the two men, disturbing natural peace. The story has "rhythm" and it's been "repeated many times before." It's "deep," and George has an audience in Lennie. It sounds like theatre, where George has a role to play, like a second narrator, or a modern day aede (Greek storyteller). It also feels like this dream is a bedtime story ; Lennie behaves like a child, and George as his guardian. Finally, this dream feels like a ritual.       Section 2     from p. 36 ("Lennie still stared...") to p. 37 ("....

Correction gr B

  Remarques générales - La construction, c'est à dire l'organisation des idées, est essentielle, il faut la signaler, l'expliciter, la rendre visible. Ne pas hésiter à abuser du vocabulaire type (firstly, subsequently, it follows that, then, eventually, etc.). De même, bien insister sur votre annonce de plan, sur votre problématique/question, et votre conclusion. - Si c'est trop court, quelques pistes : - citez davantage vos documents. - développez plus certaines de vos idées qui vous paraissent évidentes ( this story is dark ).  - évoquez d'autres sources, convoquez vos connaissances ( the Sublime, Romanticism, the Apollonian / Dionysian binary, the Gothic tropes, etc... ) - parlez plus lentement, soignez votre débit et votre prononciation. - si ce n'est déjà le cas, intégrez une troisième partie. Idées : - Perversity : the Imp of the Perverse . Perversity is like the devil on the left shoulders of cartoon characters = a fancy, a thought that is of forei...

Travail confinement 4

  Bonjour à vous ! Voici comme promis le travail du jour : Il est à terminer pour  demain , 23h59 pleeease. Autre chose, nous recommencerons vraisemblablement les cours avec les groupes B. Pour info, je vais vous demander d'avoir lu la section 5 pour la deuxième séance de la semaine prochaine (soit  mercredi , soit  vendredi , en fonction de votre classe). Cela fait un peu juste, mais je serai particulièrement bien coiffé ces jours-là, en compensation. Pour les deux groupes A, vous bénéficierez d'une semaine supplémentaire pour lire cette section, mais attention !  J'en profite pour vous remercier de votre travail sérieux et attentif. Cordialement, f.simon

Travail confinement 3

  Chères et chers élèves, bonjour ! Le quiz pour la 3ème section de  Of Mice and Men   est en ligne ; pour cette semaine, vous devrez lire la section 4.  Un questionnaire à propos de cette quatrième section  sera disponible d'ici à  jeudi , et je souhaite que ces deux quiz soient complétés d'ici à  vendredi , 23h59.  D'autre part,  voici un second entraînement à la traduction . La correction du premier entraînement est  en ligne  !  Merci pour votre attention et bon courage ! Très cordialement, f.simon PS= si vous ne disposez toujours pas du livre,  voici un exemplaire pour vous .